When looking to improve the flow of your kitchen space, one important thing to consider is where you plan to store your knives and cutlery. Your cutlery set is one of the most-used tools in your kitchen and best stored within easy reach of the prep-zone where they’re most frequently used.
A drawer knife holder is a perfect accessory neighboring a cutting board drawer. Place this cooperative set of storage solutions near an accessible counter space and you’ve instantaneously created a prep station!
The slotted knife block protects your sharp blades and keeps your knife drawer orderly and safely organized. It also comes in all sizes, so you can have your knife collection fill an entire drawer, or sneak it into a multi-tasking drawer with a variety of other contents.
A pull-out knife block is another option (see below). The top tier of the pull-out can be used to store a variety of things including frequently used spices, misc food prep tools, large utensils and more. A Pull-Out Knife Block is a handy accessory to have at your kitchen island or any other area with open counter space where you plan to do the majority of your prep work.
Even though the optimal location for knife storage is near the prep zone, that doesn’t mean you have to keep your entire cutlery collection in one location. If you have multiple chefs in your kitchen, you may have multiple food prep stations. If this is the case, you’ll want to consider creating multiple areas to store your knives throughout your kitchen. For example, you may prep your fresh produce near the sink but do the majority of your prep at your kitchen island where you have more counter space.
Your steak knife collection doesn’t have to be stored with the rest of your cutlery. A simple knife block insert can be easily combined with other drawer accessories. This can create a beautiful place for you to store your silverware and steak knife collection together. This application creates a marvelously organized drawer that’s easily accessible for you and your dinner guests.
Think ahead when you plan your kitchen storage. Make your space work for you by dedicating an optimal space for your cutlery.
For more cutlery storage ideas, check out this video!